Academic endeavors

In my studies I’ve put a focus on programming paradigms and language design, concurrency, and distributed systems (especially in the cloud computing context).

I’ve done personal research on concurrent programming (master thesis) and digital audio signal processing (bachelor thesis).

🔬 Research

I’ve been part of a research team at TU Wien that worked on maturity assessment through multidimensional maturity models in general. Our use case was enterprise risk management systems (see ERMMA project). My focus was on the development of the online assessment and monitoring tool.

🎓 Educational attainments

From TU Wien:

  • Dipl.-Ing. (MSc) in Software Engineering & Internet Computing
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Media Informatics & Visual Computing
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Software & Information Engineering

From HTL Braunau:

  • Matura (A level – ISCED 4A)